On Jul 12, 2005, at 5:23 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
> Hmm, yes. It's that "site-packages should be managed by tools"
> attitude of mine which muddies the waters a bit. Maybe it's a Windows
> thing...

It's not. In many cases, it will be impossible for users without root/ 
wheel level permissions to modify the site-packages directory at all  
on *nix systems that have proper package management, which is just  
about everything now. Additionally, most Redhat/Fedora admins will  
tell you that having anything other than rpm touching the RPM managed  
site-packages directory is bad form (there's actually good reasons  
for this), even when you do have permissions (I'm not sure how  
prevalent this mindset is outside the Redhat/Fedora community).

I think that many people running systems built on package management  
will want to setup an alternative install_dir (/usr/local/lib/ 
pythonX.X/site-packages or perhaps /opt/pythonX.X/site-packages).  
This is why I think the only-load-pth-from-site-packages issue is  
important. Then again, wrapper scripts make it less of an issue.  

I'm still waiting to see how people maintaining python packages for  
Linux/BSD distributions feel about eggs. So far I don't think they've  
had to think about it a whole lot.

Ryan Tomayko
                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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