On 4/10/06, Phillip J. Eby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hm.  That seems odd.  It should just install itself.  Have you tried
> running "ez_setup.py --allow-hosts=None -f. setuptools"?

I tried -f . but missed --allow-hosts=None. No time to try it right
now, but I'll give it a go later. (Just for completeness - see below).

> >At the risk of going on about it, this is far messier than the
> >traditional "python setup.py bdist_wininst" and run the installer...
> That actually works now with setuptools-based packages, by the way.
> It's quite safe to do that; setuptools now fully supports bdist_wininst.

That's brilliant news - I thought I saw some egg-info directories
appear, but I hadn't understood the significance.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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