On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 11:59:30AM -0700, Robert McFadzean wrote:
> I have been trying to build MySQLdb for python and A. Dustman has come to the 
> conclusion that the minGW32 compiler that I am using will not work with a 
> Windows ( os is Windows XP) versions of Python and MySQL.  Can anyone here 
> confirm that he is right.  Is there a possible work around?  Dustman 
> suggested that I would have to compile Python and MySQL with the gcc compiler 
> for it to work.
A quick search finds a plethora of resources for how to use mingw to compile
python extentions using the standard Windows Python distribution.

Many of those are out of date and some steps can be skipped and either the
export file is actually shipped with 2.4 and 2.5 or mingw32-gcc just deals
with it interally.  I haven't done this in a while, but, I think all you
really need to do at this point is:

python setup.py build --compiler=mingw32
python setup.py install

Note, you can make the '--compiler=mingw32' a default setting by adding
to c:\Python2x\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg, at which point all you have to do
python setup.py install

I don't know any details particular to building MySQLdb.


> Robert G. McFadzean
> Instructor
> Vermilion School of Agriculture
> Lakeland College
> 5707 47 Ave West
> Vermilion AB  T9X 1K5
> Tlf: (780) 853-4890
> Fax: (780) 853-8704
> _______________________________________________
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