On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 08:19:11PM +0000, Paul Moore wrote:
> On 17/03/2008, Phillip J. Eby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  That leaves MAL, whose objections to PEP 365 centered on the API (he
> >  said he was "+1 on the concepts being added to the stdlib, -1 on
> >  adding the module in its current state").  Among other concerns, he
> >  wanted pkg_resources to be split into pkgutil and a new "egglib"
> >  module.  I don't have a problem with this in principle, if there were
> >  a pkg_resources module that reconstituted the merged API.  (But there
> >  are some practical problems with that approach, such as trying to
> >  split namespace package support between two theoretically-unrelated 
> > modules.)
> I would personally like to see such a separation. As one of the
> authors of PEP 302 (well, the documentation - Just did all of the
> implementation) I have an interest in strengthening the standard
> library's support for transparent use of PEP 302 importers. To that
> end, I would like to see such functions as
> pkg_resources.resource_string() standardised.

+1 for something like this in the stdlib.

os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'foo') just has too many

Could namespace package support be split into a set of hooks in the
stdlib and a concrete implementation in setuptools?  Isn't that the way
zip importers were originally done?

Marius Gedminas
As an aside, UPnP's implementation (which features SOAP, HTTP over
multicast/broadcast UDP, and extremely odd XML) is a must-read for fans of
unnatural and baroque network protocols.
        -- Anthony Baxter

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