On Wed, 20 May 2009 10:17:31 +1000, Ben Finney <ben+pyt...@benfinney.id.au> 
Jean-Paul Calderone <exar...@divmod.com> writes:

For a long time, the idiom I've used to specify version information in my
distutils-based packages has been this simple one: put version information
into the Python package somewhere, structure the source layout so that the
package can be imported directly from an unpacked source tarball (or vcs wc),
and import the version into setup.py.  This worked great.  And I only had to
define my version once.

Increasingly, it seems that new distutils-related tools don't support this
idiom and break in various ways.  (eg


Those breakages seem to be caused in part because the module containing
version information is doing too much.

The only thing the version module does is define the version.  For example,

 $ cat _version.py
 # This is an auto-generated file. Use Epsilon/bin/release-divmod to update.
 from twisted.python import versions
 version = versions.Version(__name__[:__name__.rfind('.')], 0, 9, 33)

Of course, the "too much" here is the use of a structured version object.
Doing anything simpler would be much like the approach Phillip's pointed
out, to have a simple text file and parse its contents without getting
Python involved at all.

What is the recommendation for specifying version information in a way
which is compatible with all these new tools?

I would recommend having a module in your package whose *only*
responsibility is version information for the package, so that importing
it won't break in different environments.

That module can the be imported both by the package itself when it needs
to know its version string, and by the ‘setup.py’ to get that same
version string for package building.

This has issues.  For examples, sometimes a system-wide installation of the
package will get used instead (generally not when running setup.py directly,
but it seems to happen when other tools are used).  Otherwise, the existing
_version.py from above works fine.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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