On Tue, 08 Sep 2009 09:18:50 +0100, Chris Withers <ch...@simplistix.co.uk>
> <mini rant>
> If Python had a packaging system *and* used it for the standard library, 
> then things like this wouldn't be a problem...
> The setup.cfg could just say "requires sqlite greater than version 
> x.y.z", and if it was in the standard library, it would be used unless a 
> newer version was needed. 


Actually, this was already discussed on this mailing list.

I suggested that a "requires" section could easily do this, something
along the lines of:


So the concept of having an if/else test for this is superfluous.

> It would also mean it would be possible to 
> release bug fix versions of the standard library packages without having 
> to roll a whole python release.


> Better yet, since "python" should be a package as far as the packaging 
> system is concerned, library versions can just say what versions of 
> python they work with.

+1 - good idea

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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