On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 9:05 PM, Martin Raspaud <martin.rasp...@smhi.se> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> I am now working on a project that I need to deploy on different servers in a
> compiled form, as tar.gz files (the servers do not have gcc for example).
> The project comprises two libraries and an extra set of config files and 
> scripts
> for batch computation.
> I would like to have a utility that does all the packaging for me, that is
> create a tar.gz for each lib and one for the scripts, each containing a
> directory with the compiled things.
> Here are my different approaches:
> - - setuptools bdist: This is almost what I need, except that it creates a 
> usr dir
> on top of the tarball.
> - - zc.buildout: this looked promissing (although pretty hard to get into). I
> stumbled upon collective.releaser, which I thought was what I needed, but its
> project_deploy script just tarballs the entire buildout directory.
> Here is the config file I used for project_deploy:
> [buildout]
> parts =
>      myproj
> [myproj]
> recipe=zerokspot.recipe.git
> repository=/data/proj/myproj
> branch=unstable
> as_egg=true
> I am getting quite desperate...
> Can anyone give me pointers ?

May be this will be useful:

Baiju M
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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