On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 09:15:32PM +0100, Jean Daniel wrote:
> It seems to me that once this feature is integrated, there will be
> less incentive to use virtualenv.
> What cool virtualenv features are left if buildout can do the
> --no-site-package?

I can easy_install a one-off development tool (RunSnakeRun, restview,
zodbbrowser, zest.releaser, z3c.dependencychecker, a million others)
without having to

  * edit a config file
  * re-run buildout and wait 15 seconds longer than it would take
    otherwise [1]
  * remember to revert my changes lest I commit them and force my tool
    choice on all developers of the project [2]

[1] on my project, a do-nothing-because-nothing-changed
    bin/buildout with newest=false still takes 15 seconds

[2] admittedly, I could create a new empty config file, have it extend
    buildout.cfg, add the extra eggs where necessary, and remember to
    run bin/buildout -c my.cfg.  In practice I always forget the -c and
    only notice when I try to use my extra tools and find them missing,
    which breaks the flow and imposes a 15 second delay.

Don't get the wrong impression; despite occasional frustrations,
buildout is a good tool that does things virtualenv doesn't do, and I
prefer to use buildout for all my Python packages once they stop being
trivially simple.  Buildout's killer feature is the shared egg cache.

Marius Gedminas
He who sacrifices functionality for ease of use
Loses both and deserves neither

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