Op 12-07-10 18:19, Alan Franzoni schreef:
I'm wondering if there's a way to have something like "local"
buildout.cfg files overriding a "master" one; e.g.
This would be useful because in our projects we usually share one
per-project buildout.cfg which every team member uses and it's stored on
our VCS, and it's used all around including along our CI server, and we
don't want to change it if a real configuration change is unneeded, but
often I need to tinker with it (e.g. I want to use one additional
development egg, or change a dep, or run a different recipe).

First, no I don't know a way to do this like you propose.

Second, what me and my colleagues at Zest Software do, is to not have a buildout.cfg in our VCS. Instead we have a devel.cfg for development and a production.cfg for the live site (and possibly a preview.cfg) in VCS.

When working on the project on my laptop, I make a symbolic link from buildout.cfg to devel.cfg (e.g. 'ln -s devel.cfg buildout.cfg'). If I want to make more local changes, then instead of creating a symbolic link, I create a buildout.cfg file like this:

extends = devel.cfg

# changes go here

The buildout.cfg file is ignored by the VCS.

Maurits van Rees
Programmer, Zest Software

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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