At 05:11 PM 12/13/2010 -0600, Brad Allen wrote:
Where I work we're considering a change to moving a group of packages
to using namespaces. We want the namespace paths to reflect a
dependency hierarchy,

Note that you don't *need* to use namespace paths to reflect dependencies; the main purpose of namespace packages is to allow you to separately distribute parts of a larger package, and to avoid naming conflicts with code produced by other organizations.

(In other words, it's a rare use case that really needs even *two* levels of namespace package; the common use is simply to make one parent namespace package for your organization. In general, the "flat is better than nested" rule of Python still applies. ;-) )

Some have warned this is not usually done, but no specific problems
with this approach have been identified. Any guidance on this would be

As Martin said, don't put code in the of a namespace package. (And parent packages of namespace packages count as namespace packages.)

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