What particular clause strikes you as particularly unfriendly?
Please understand that it may sound harsh, but is necessary - better
be safe than sorry.

Nothing wrong about the warning itself, but about landing on a plain
condensed text page.
I think we should make it a html page. And maybe display the last ten
packages doc updates ?

It actually *is* a html page (and always was). It just doesn't use
any styling.

As for changing the style: please submit a html file to replace what is
there (I refuse to do any styling . As for displaying the last ten doc updates: either submit a tracker request, or provide a patch.

Since "packages.python.org" allow us to have a directory with HTML
files, those could be made accessible under:

http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute/docs, with a big link on the
top of http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute to go there.

[I wonder why "links" and "buttons" always have to be "big", and often
"red" :-]

See my response to Lennart for the former: distribute/docs would be
the "docs" release of "distribute". As for a big link: if you think
your page should have one, you are free to make it yourself already.

http://packages.python.org/PROJECT/  would become

IOW, not changes but just avoiding two places -- without giving any
hint on each place about the existence of the other place.

Why Distribute would have two root pages ?

See above: what you propose cannot work. Also, I don't think many
users care about the URLs of things. If your package home page
is pypi/distribute, that's perfectly fine. Put a documentation
link on that page, and be done.

Then, maybe http://pypi.python.org/pypi could simply become
http://packages.python.org, with:

- http://packages.python.org/PROJECT
- http://packages.python.org/PROJECT/docs
- http://packages.python.org/PROJECT/1.2
- etc..

That would break existing packages URLs, so -1. You cannot
lightly change URLs in the Web - replacing an existing URL
is a multi-year project. Individual package maintainers may
do, but we still get lots of hits on cheeseshop.python.org,
so that needs to be supported many years in the future. I'm
not looking forward to having a *second* transitional URL.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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