Lennart Regebro <regebro <at> gmail.com> writes: > That's positive but... > > > Of course, I'm assuming that "python setup.py test" gives adequate coverage. > > It doesn't. Far from it, unfortunately.
That's not a good place to be, given that we'll be reliant on Distribute for a while. Is there a more comprehensive test suite elsewhere? The stuff in the distribute tests folder (not setuptools/tests) looked out-of-date and, in places, broken. This version was developed by running 2to3 on the Distribute code to see what changes were needed, and then making the changes using a compatibility module using an approach similar to Benjamin Peterson's six library. It is of course possible that I've introduced some bugs during the conversion, but any that turn up should be very easy to fix. I'm using this Distribute version to try installing (via pysetup3) all allegedly Py-3K packages on PyPI. So far, out of around 400 packages where I could find a download URL for a source distribution, smoke testing revealed 190 apparent successes, 70 failures and 140 which were untested because of failure to get the tarball. A quick check of the failures shows that at least some of these are due to failures in the tarballs themselves, e.g. Markdown - setup.py is not Py3K compatible (contains print statements) ast2src - hardcoded to require Python 3.1 Benchmarker - failed to recognize --single-version-externally-managed cbucho - fails to import setuptools correctly in Py3K conditional code Of course some potential pysetup3 issues are showing up too, e.g. "cannot detect install method", which is one of the points of doing these tests. Regards, Vinay Sajip _______________________________________________ Distutils-SIG maillist - Distutils-SIG@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/distutils-sig