hi Everyone,

   - I am using Python 2.7, so how do I install pysetup. though when I
   install distutils1.0a3 I do see distutils module in my interactive session
   but I dont see any pysetup being installed
   - Also, I had previously come in contact with merwok and I would be
   applying in GSoC this year under PSF for distutils2 project (as I believe
   PSF will be under GSoC and distutils will surely be accepted), so I am
   writing to seek help on what all things should be my target, and how do I
   move ahead.
   - Currently, I am trying to work on the ]issue 12944 but due to certain
   constraints things are not geared up, though I hope they would soon be :)
   - Please guide me and drop-in all your suggestions


Vikash Agrawal
sent via HTC Sensation
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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