I think the biggest thing missing wrt to command hooks is the ability  
to have the tool automatically generate a OS specific wrapper (.exe for
windows, extension less with a shebang for *NIX). While I think it would
be useful for this feature to live in std lib, I don't think it's near as 
as getting the core of packaging into stdlib.

Attempting to create packaging as outside of stdlib brings up images
of http://xkcd.com/927/, and to me the only thing prevent packaging
from just being another standard is the "Blessing" that comes with
being in stdlib.

On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 2:55 AM, Tarek Ziadé wrote:

> On 5/16/12 3:58 AM, Chris McDonough wrote:
> > Adding two more (packaging and distutils2) which are similarly  
> > semi-documented and which don't even solve the problems that the  
> > previous ones do would serve no purpose, and baking them into Python  
> > itself will mean they can't evolve in important ways.
> >  
> Oh, I think I need to answer to this too since you said you wanted to  
> help. Packaging is not intended to be similar to setuptools in its features.
> For instance we won't provide console scripts or entry points. The first  
> one because 'script' is the same feature (except there's an indirection  
> and I said before we could mimic this)
> The second one because we should build this kind of feature outside the  
> stdlib (this is not something most people use, according to the survey I  
> did back a few years ago, it's mostly zope/plone/repoze land)
> I'd suggest you list what you can't do with "packaging" today and we  
> work through that list to point which features are missing and should be  
> developed *outside* the standard lib, and which ones are in "packaging"  
> or should be
> IOW: packaging should only be the common basis and provide a basic  
> installer - not a full fledge tool you can use to replace the most  
> advanced setuptools features. And we want it pluggable enough so people  
> can build pluggable features on the top of it, like Eric explained earlier
> Does that make sense ?
> Cheers
> Tarek
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