I got tired of waiting for lxml to compile over and over again, so I
invented a binary packaging format called 'wheel' (of cheese) that
uses Metadata 1.2 and .dist-info directories instead of .egg-info,
patched pkg_resources.py to be able to load .dist-info directories,
implemented "python setup.py bdist_wheel", and patched pip to be able
to install .whl files.

The gist of the spec is that it is a zip file with the .whl extension
containing the contents of 'purelib' for a distribution, plus a
Name-1.0.dist-info/ directory with the metadata files, plus
Name-1.0.data/subdir directories for scripts, platlib, packaging's
"categories", ...

My specification so far is at
and an lxml compiled for linux-x86-64 is at


Perhaps it will be useful. The implementation is still pretty rough,
for example it does not check the architecture while installing, but
it could be a handy way to speed up repeated virtualenv builds.

Daniel Holth
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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