On 9/11/12 9:25 PM, Erik Bray wrote:
But you could still release I suppose we limit the number
of version parts these days.

Why don't we update the spec so that (2.0) means (2.0) the range, and
(==2.0) means 2.0 (exactly).

The PEP is ambiguous on this, but you could get away with reading it
as "When a version is provided (without a conditional operator) it
always includes all versions that start with the same value".
Although it's unwritten in the PEP exactly how the operators are meant
to be interpreted, I would say they should be interpreted strictly.

 Yeah that's what we wanted to do back then, I recall now.

+1 for the clarification - since it's just rephrasing thing we don't need a new PEP I guess

and we can fix the implementations


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