On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Vinay Sajip <vinay_sa...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> I've updated distlib as follows:
> 1. I've added support for the equivalent of "pkg_resources.resource_filename"
>    for returning a true filesystem path for a resource. I've added info about
>    this in the "Distlib's design" document, though the reference API has not
>    been fully updated - I thought I'd see if there was any feedback about the
>    approach I've used. Code and tests have been added, though.

:-) I still like the "mimic os.listdir but with an additional package
argument" API because it has fewer parts. Is there a reason why we
can't just fix pkgutil? It is probably much easier to do it in

implements the distlib resources API using pkg_resources as the
implementation. Check out how neat apipkg is in
distlib2 does yet not implement any of the other distlib APIs.

> 2. I've added the PyPI client code from distutils2 in distlib.pypi. I only
>    tweaked it a little to run under 2.x and 3.x from a single code base,
>    ensuring that all the tests passed. I hope to update it with better support
>    for finding archives not hosted on PyPI, using hints.


> I'm also considering the following changes, which I'd like some feedback on:
> * Merging the distlib.depgraph package into the distlib.database package, as
>   they are fairly interlinked (e.g. adding requires() and required_by() 
> methods
>   to Distribution).

+1 obviously since I asked

> * Removing depgraph.main() and its test, because I don't think it belongs in 
> the
>   library layer, but is better implemented as a utility script.

+1 an installer probably only needs the toposort of the dependency graph
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