On 5 October 2012 20:28, Stanley A. Klein <skl...@cpcug.org> wrote:
> What I didn't notice in the distlib documentation were low level functions
> that would facilitate the allocation of Pypi files/directories to target
> files/directories to help in preparation of the rpm spec.

While I'm not particularly familiar with Linux filesystems and FHS, I
believe the key piece of the puzzle is in the stdlib, the sysconfig
module. The "PyPI files/directories" as you call them (actually, the
Python standard locations) are not specific directories, but rather
are given by logical "paths" - platlib, scripts, data, and so on.
Mapping these to OS-dependent locations can be handled by the OS
installer code (RPM, I guess, in the case of Red Hat and similar).
Properly written Python packages will only use those standard names.

I hope that helps.
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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