
I am using easy_install on windows for its ability to install binary eggs (and 
compiled extension modules). Also using virtualenv to separate my environments.

I want to be able to manage an egg cache to be used in a local installation 
workflow: download the package and build the eggs in a defined directory.

I first download the package using the documented approach of getting the 
packages built into eggs in a directory:

easy_install -zmaxd [my_dir]

I would expect to have zipped eggs at the "my_dir" destination.

This works as expected only if I start from a clean virtualenv. 

If the environment is already populated (or installed) with the package I want 
to cache, it is this package (from site-packages) that is taken to my cache 
directory, not the zipped egg (I presume because the package is not zip safe).

Is there a way around this behaviour?

Thank you,

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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