I installed Jython 2.5.3 on Windows 7. I set up the environment variable to the 
main directory and the path. It works as I can type "jython" at a DOS prompt 
and see the >>> and the version statement print out. I downloaded the 
easy_install file and put it on my C:\ez_setup.py. I navigated to it and issued 
"jython ez_setup.py". It installed as I saw the same message that Appendix A of 
the Jython book shows/comments on: 
http://www.jython.org/jythonbook/en/1.0/appendixA.html  I looked in 
C:\jython2.5.3\bin and lib\site-packages and see some easy_install 
(easy_install and easy_install2.5) and setuptools files there. However, when I 
go to a DOS prompt to retrieve Django and Django-jython with easy_install I 
can't. I am told that there is no such program. I have used the absolute path 
to the jython/bin directory as well as just the command easy_install as I have 
added the jython/bin to my environment variable. I have even restarted my 
laptop. No luck,yet. So I am confused as to what the problem is. I read on the 
easy_install web site that there is a .exe file for Windows. I do not see that. 
Any suggestions? Thanks.
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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