On 13 Feb 2013 00:55, "Ronald Oussoren" <ronaldousso...@mac.com> wrote:
> On 12 Feb, 2013, at 14:46, Daniel Holth <dho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I still think it makes more sense to just download distribute and wheel
when you want to build one, but to each his own... if you need to create
packages for pypi without being able to install things from it, knock
yourself out.
> Why the hostility? It makes sense to have basic support in the stdlib.

I'm playing a much longer game than Daniel - when you're thinking in terms
of the next few months, then the PEPs are only significant because the pip
folks (sensibly, IMO) have made that a condition of merging wheel support
(at which point people will naturally start using them more, since they
won't have to seek them out, pip will cache the built wheels automatically)

Core support only starts to matter once you're thinking in terms of
*years*, and the way beginners will encounter Python's distribution
ecosystem in 3.4+ :)


> Ronald
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