On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 4:43 AM, Daniel Holth <dho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There simply must be a way to spell "equals" that means "equals". It will be
> used when that so-called security release broke my application that
> integrates said library in a way that doesn't even expose the flaw.
> Plone depends on hundreds of libraries that probably only use >= or no
> version at all in their setup.py. Then the buildout.cfg ships with the ==
> versions of all the libraries that the Plone release team actually tested.
> == is not the common plague that you fear.

The core problem with making "==" strict is that it either makes "!="
useless by allowing "(!=1.3)" to match "1.3.1", or it breaks the
invariant that "!=" is the logical inverse of "==", by having both
"(==1.3)" and "(!=1.3)" reject "1.3.1". I don't consider either
acceptable, which is why I switched the PEP to simple string prefix
matching for both (this also brings it back into line with the default
version comparison behaviour specified in PEP 345 - I haven't yet
reinstated that PEPs commentary about why this makes it important to
include the ".0" suffix on the first release in a series so people can
easily depend specifically on that release without allowing later
releases in the series, but I'm definitely considering it).

If a true exact version match is needed in order to be completely
certain about avoiding potentially broken upstream releases, then you
can use "(X.Y, < X.Y.post0)" rather than "(==X.Y)". Really though,
that level of pre-emptive quality assurance is better handled by using
a private curated index (or even a per-application index) where you
don't allow new versions to be uploaded until you've already tested

> As a aside pkg_resources probably needs an operator [that might be removed
> when generating PKG-INFO] for use in setup.py install_requires. Setuptools
> parses distname [OPERATOR version] not distname [OPERATOR? version]

pkg_resources can either use "~>" as Ruby do, or (and I think this
would make more sense, but I'm not writing the code), it could be
updated to accept the standard syntax directly, allowing users to
easily request either classic pkg_resources semantics or PEP 426

The parentheses aren't *just* about making the association of version
specifiers with the preceding package name clearer, they're also about
being clear that the existing pkg_resources semantics aren't being
adopted wholesale. (I also just noticed that distribute's dependency
declaration documentation states the behaviour of mutually
contradictory version constraints in pkg_resources is undefined - that
doesn't make sense, so I'll be adding an explicit statement to the PEP
that mutually contradictory clauses in a version specifier are an


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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