On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 11:06 AM, PJ Eby <p...@telecommunity.com> wrote:
> Could you perhaps spell out why this is better than just dropping .whl
> files (or unpacked directories) into site-packages or equivalent?

I need a solution that will also work for packages installed by the
system installer - in fact, that's the primary use case. For
self-contained installation independent of the system Python, people
should be using venv/virtualenv, zc.buildout, software collections (a
Fedora/RHEL tool in the same space), or a similar "isolated
application" solution.

System packages will be spread out according to the FHS, and need to
work relatively consistently for every language the OS supports (i.e.
all of them), so long term solutions that assume the use of
Python-specific bundling formats for the actual installation are not
sufficient in my view.

I also want to create a database of parallel installed versions that
can be used to avoid duplication across virtual environments and
software collections by using .pth files to reference a common
installed version rather than having to use symlinks or copies of the

I'm not wedded to using *actual* pth files as a cross-platform linking
solution - a more limited format that only supported path additions,
without the extra powers of pth files would be fine. The key point is
to use the .dist-info directories to bridge between "unversioned
installs in site packages" and "finding parallel versions at runtime
without side effects on all Python applications executed on that
system" (which is the problem with using a pth file in site packages
to bootstrap the parallel versioning system as easy_install does).

> Also, one thing that actually confuses me about this proposal is that
> it sounds like you are saying you'd have two CherryPy.dist-info
> directories in site-packages, which sounds broken to me; the whole
> point of the existing protocol for .dist-info was that it allowed you
> to determine the importable versions from a single listdir().  Your
> approach would break that feature, because you'd have to:
> 1. Read each .dist-info directory to find .pth files
> 2. Open and read all the .pth files
> 3. Compare the .pth file contents with sys.path to find out what is
> actually *on* sys.path

If a distribution has been installed in site-packages (or has an
appropriate *.pth file there), there won't be any *.pth file in the
.dist-info directory. The *.pth file will only be present if the
package has been installed *somewhere else*.

However, it occurs to me that we can do this differently, by
explicitly involving a separate directory that *isn't* on sys.path by
default, and use a path hook to indicate when it should be accessed.

Under this version of the proposal, PEP 376 would remain unchanged,
and would effectively become the "database of installed distributions
available on sys.path by default". These files would all remain
available by default, preserving backwards compatibility for the vast
majority of existing software that doesn't use any kind of parallel
install system.

We could then introduce a separate "database of all installed
distributions". Let's use the "versioned-packages" name, and assume it
lives adjacent to the existing "site-packages". The difference between
this versioned-packages directory and site-packages would be that:

- it would never be added to sys.path itself
- multiple .dist-info directories for different versions of the same
distribution may be present
- distributions are installed into named-and-versioned subdirectories
rather than directly into versioned-packages
- rather than the contents being processed directly from sys.path, we
would add a "<versioned-packages>" entry to sys.path with a path hook
that maps to a custom module finder that handles the extra import
locations without the same issues as the current approach to modifying
sys.path in pkg_resources (which allows shadowing development versions
with installed versions by inserting at the front), or the opposite
problem that would be created by appending to the end (allowing
default versions to shadow explicitly requested versions)

We would then add some new version constraint API in distlib to:

1. Check the PEP 376 db. If the version identified there satisfies the
constraint, fine, we leave the import state unmodified.
2. If no suitable version is found, check the new versioned-packages directory.
3. If a suitable parallel installed version is found, we check its
dist-info directory for the details needed to update the set of paths
processed by the versioned import hook.

The versioned import hook would work just like normal sys.path based
import (i.e. maintaining a sequence of path entries, using
sys.modules, sys.path_hooks, sys.path_importer_cache), the only
difference is that the set of paths it checks would initially be
empty. Calls to the new API in distlib would modify the *versioned*
path, effectively inserting all those paths at the point in sys.path
where the "<versioned-packages>" marker is placed, rather than
appending them to the beginning or end. The API that updates the paths
handled by the versioned import hook would also take care of detecting
and complaining about incompatible version constraints.

It may even be possible to update pkg_resources.requires() to work
this way, potentially avoiding the need for the easy_install.pth file
that has side effects on applications that don't even use


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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