On May 26, 2013, at 1:34 PM, Noah Kantrowitz <n...@coderanger.net> wrote:

> </farnsworth>
> but seriously, at long last today it was my honor to throw the DNS switch to 
> move PyPI to the Fastly caching CDN. I would like to thank Donald Stufft for 
> doing much of the heavy lifting on the PyPI side, and to Fastly for 
> graciously offering to host us. What does this mean for everyone? Well the 
> biggest change is PyPI should get a whole lot faster. There are two major 
> downsides however. There will now be a delay of several minutes in some cases 
> between updating a package and having it be installable, and download counts 
> will now be even more incorrect than they were before. The PyPI admins are 
> discussing what to do about download counts long-term, but for now we all 
> feel that the performance and availability benefits outweigh the loss. If 
> anyone has any questions, or hears anything about issues with PyPI please 
> don't hesitate to contact me.
> --Noah
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One addition. Eventually PyPI will move towards using the Fastly API for cache 
invalidation so that uploading a new package _will_ be immediately available. 
But that was deferred in order to get the larger benefit *now*.

Donald Stufft
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