On 28 May 2013 02:53, Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> wrote:

> Figured it out.
> Use HTTPS.

Can I suggest that if the new CDN means that there are additional
restrictions on what is supported (I've used the XMLRPC API without https
in one-off scripts in the past) then the officially supported API should be
properly documented once and for all in a PEP, including some sort of
"what's new" or "rationale" section describing the various changes that
have occurred recently and their impact on user code?

I'm purely a casual user of the PyPI API and the discussion of these
changes haa mostly gone over my head. The one thing I've taken away from it
is that I may get problems if I just google for sample code to use. For
example, the above comment implies that
http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyPIXmlRpc (AIUI, the nearest to formal
documentation that the XMLRPC API has) is wrong (as it uses http).

I do appreciate all the work that is going on to improve the PyPI
infrastructure. I'm not saying the changes should be reverted, just that
the consequences should be clearly explained.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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