> b.pypi.python.org is an official mirror that runs on Google App engine,
> and it uses a special mirror package built just for GAE. Code for it is
> found here. https://bitbucket.org/loewis/pypi-appengine
> b.pypi.python.org has been broken for over 104 days according to
> http://www.pypi-mirrors.org, and this is because of an issue when we
> switched pypi over to serving over SSL.
> I have submitted a pull request to fix this.
> https://bitbucket.org/loewis/pypi-appengine/pull-request/2/change-pypi-mirror-connection-to-https/diff#comment-262919
>  but it hasn't been accepted.
> I am one of the maintainers of b.pypi.python.org, so I can see the logs
> and push out a new version.
> I haven't needed to push a version out before, and I'm a little hesitant
> incase I do it wrong and break something.
> I also don't want to push code to GAE from my fork, until my PR gets
> accepted or else someone else in the future might deploy the original one
> again and remove my fix.
> Two things:
> 1. Now that we have the pypi CDN up, do we still need this mirror?
> Honestly probably not. Mirrors are less important from a
> availability/speed side of things now and will likely move to being more
> useful for companies and such to use.

OK, what would be the procedure for removing a mirror? Anyone know who is
in charge of this mirror? I think Guido had it setup when he worked at
Google, and google is paying for the costs of the mirror, but  now that he
doesn't work for Google, not sure who might be the contact person on that

If we can get it up to date again, I think it is fine, but an out of date
mirror is not useful to anyone, and it could cause problems in the long run.

> 2. If yes to 1. if someone can take a minute to review my PR, and leave
> comments, or if you have the power, accept my pull request and push out a
> new version so we can get the mirror up to date.
> I don't have such permission sadly.
Thank you anyway.
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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