On 15 June 2013 16:02, Marcus Smith <qwc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 1. We should write the bootstrapped pip to the same location that
>> we're installing the package to (so system global, user local or
>> current venv).
> this makes sense for global and user installs, but not venv?
> when you're in a venv, you're using the pip installed in that specific venv,
> not the bootstrap.

True for virtualenv, but not for pyvenv - that doesn't install
anything into the virtual environment, it just creates it. I expect
the 3.4 version will add a link to the appropriate bootstrapping
script though, so we need to define the expected behaviour in that

> and just to confirm about user install bootstrapping, it would work like
> this?
> - user1 happens to run "pip3 install --user django" as his first pip3
> command
> - the bootstrap installs pip to /home/user1/.local
> - thereafter, user1's executions of pip3 detects the importable pip in user
> local, and does no more bootstrapping
> - user2 runs "pip3 install --user django" as his first pip3 command
> - the bootstrap installs pip to /home/user2/.local
>   ...
> and if instead user1 ran "sudo pip install django" as his first command, pip
> get's installed globally.
> and thereafter, all users would be using a global installed pip, no matter
> what they're first command was.

That is what I was saying, but with it spelled out like that, I don't
like it. The destination of the current install request isn't adequate
justification for defining the location of the installed pip.

Instead, I'm starting to think that with the right error message,
"Explicit is better than implicit" and "In the face of ambiguity,
refuse the temptation to guess" should rule the day here.

For example:

    $pip3 install Django
    pip is not currently installed. Run 'pip3 bootstrap' or 'pip3
bootstrap --system' to install it.
    $pip3 bootstrap --help
     pip3 bootstrap
     pip3 bootstrap --system

      Downloads and installs the latest version of pip from the Python
Package Index (pypi.python.org).

      Installs into the active virtual environment (if any) or the
current user's site-packages directory.

      Has no effect if pip is already installed (run "pip install
--upgrade pip" to upgrade to a later version).

      --system Install into the system site-packages instead of the
venv or user site-packages.
      --wheel <file>  Installs from the given wheel file instead of
downloading from PyPI

Linux distros could then patch the 'pip3 bootstrap --system' variant
to invoke the appropriate platform specific installation command.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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