On 21 June 2013 14:30, Ronald Oussoren <ronaldousso...@mac.com> wrote:

> > Yes, I was thinking more of the sdist side - and also of how a pure
> Python package can specify whether separate wheels are needed for Python 2
> and Python 3, for example. There's a wheel-specific setup.cfg extension for
> this, but should it be in the metadata spec?
> No, but it should be in the spec/documentation for the tool that builds
> sdists or wheels. That is, when metadata 2.0 support is added to
> distutils/setuptools/... it should document how the metadata is configured.

So a package author creates a package that only works with Python 3, builds
a sdist using a tool-specific option that states this, and that data isn't
recorded in the sdist so that whoever uses the sdist to build a wheel has
to find that out elsewhere and re-specify it to build a wheel? That sounds
wrong, unless I'm misunderstanding you...

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