On 17 July 2013 22:40, Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17 July 2013 13:17, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> That said, the new metadata standard does deliberately include a few
>> pieces intended to make such things easier to define:
>> 1. The extensions concept - using a structured data format like JSON
>> makes it much easier for platform specific tools (or even pip itself)
>> to say "declare this metadata, and we will run these commands
>> automatically"
> Okay, so this is where you can put the "I need a [specific]
> C-compiler" information. Then a pip alternative (or a future pip) that
> knew more about C compilation could respond appropriately.
> The PEP doesn't explicitly say anything about how a tool should handle
> unrecognised metadata extensions; it seems fairly obvious to me that
> they are supposed to be ignored but perhaps this should be explicitly
> stated.
> On the other hand it would be useful to be able to say: if you don't
> understand my "fortran" metadata extension then you don't know how to
> install/build this distribution. Is there a way e.g. to indicate a
> build/install dependency on the tool understanding some section in the
> extension metadata, or that an extension is compulsory somehow?

Yes, you can include a build_requires on something that understands
the extension and make setup.py a shim that invokes that build system
rather than setuptools/distutils (similar to the way d2to1 allows
setup.cfg based projects work with tools that are expecting a setup.py

It's not as elegant as a proper metabuild system (since there's a fair
bit of legacy cruft in the setup.py CLI), but it works :)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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