On 08/06/2013 09:59 PM, Donald Stufft wrote:

On Aug 6, 2013, at 9:50 PM, Michael Merickel <mmeri...@gmail.com <mailto:mmeri...@gmail.com>> wrote:

How about building a deprecation period into the tooling? pip 1.5+ could warn users who are using *.pypi.python.org <http://pypi.python.org/> of the error in their ways and encourage them to switch to the new system and gives a date of total removal. After removal the code could also be removed from pip 1.x+.

- Michael

pip 1.5 already warns if you use ``--use-mirrors`` or ``--mirrors``. I suppose a warning could be added if you use -i N.pypi.python.org <http://N.pypi.python.org> as well.

Does anyone use anything other than pip to download from N.pypi.python.org?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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