> From: Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com>

> I believe PJE's suggestion is to expand the scope of PEP 441 a bit to
> include the ability to generate a valid Windows executable with the
> archive appended, instead of just the *nix/Python launcher shebang
> line.

I got that; I was commenting on the "embed the entire relevant project" part as 
applied to wrapped scripts.

> The "script wrapper" case would then just be a particular use of the
> PEP 441 executable generation features:  prepend the console
> executable for console scripts and the GUI executable for GUI
> wrappers, with the wrapper itself being a __main__.py file in the
> attached archive.
> Given that Vinay already gave the Python launcher the ability to do
> this (when built with different options), this sounds quite feasible
> to me.

It's certainly feasible - I'm looking at the implementation now. It's not quite 
there yet - I need to extract the shebang from the end of the stock 
executable/beginning of the appended archive to determine the Python to use, 
and then ensure that the executable is passed to that Python as the script 


Vinay Sajip
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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