Thanks for the clarification: based on that: +1 on Nick's proposal.


On Aug 26, 2013, at 1:41 PM, PJ Eby <p...@telecommunity.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> wrote:
>> There is always a cost. In this case mostly in complexity and start up time.
>> As you mentioned originally the cost to multi version support was the need
>> to use a require() function and when people complained about that you
>> added the .pth files which imposed another sort of cost to people using
>> multi versioned installs.
> See, this is exactly what I'm talking about: you've got this 100% backwards:
> .pth files are for people who *aren't* using multi-version imports.
> They're for *default* versions, not alternate versions!
> And they're utterly unnecessary for Nick's proposal.
>> You claim it is part of core Python but it's really not, if it was it 
>> wouldn't require
>> importing pkg_resources of the .pth files to make it work.
> As I pointed out in the email you apparently didn't read, along with
> multiple emails from Jim: pkg_resources isn't necessary for
> alternate-version support.  All that's required for alternate versions
> is to add them to sys.path, which buildout does just fine *without
> pkg_resources*.
>> I find it ridiculous that you'd call this thread 90% FUD when the vast bulk 
>> of the
>> thread has been trying to determine if there were any reasonable concerns
>> with the approach and upon examination determined that the biggest problem
>> with it was attaching it to Wheel and not the multi version support at all
> What I'm referring to as the FUD is that people have been confusing
> what Nick proposed with what setuptools does, and getting *both* of
> them wrong in the details.
> Nick's proposal was not to mimic setuptools' multi-version support,
> but rather to provide something else: let's call it "alternate version
> support", to separate it from what setuptools does.
> In Nick's AVS proposal, there is *no* overhead for anything that
> doesn't need a non-default version, and it's 100% opt-in, used only
> for things that need *non-default* versions.
> Note, by the way, that since these *non-default* packages aren't on
> sys.path by default, *there is no overhead and no .pth files are
> involved*.  They are effectively invisible and irrelevant for anything
> that doesn't use them.
> The only place where there's overhead is in the script that needs the
> alternative version(s), and its sys.path is lengthened only by those
> items that it can't obtain from the default sys.path.  And if you use
> buildout's approach of simply adding:
>     sys.path[0:0] = [path1,...]
> to the head of a script, then *pkg_resources isn't involved either*.
> This is bog-standard stock Python.
> So the FUD part I was referring to is all the "oh no, setuptools is
> complicated" in response to Nick's perfectly reasonable idea *which
> doesn't involve any of setuptools' complexity*, because it's doing
> something completely different.
>> I realize
>> setuptools and easy_install are your baby but the persecution complex doesn't
>> help to win people over to your side of things.
> I think you're confused here.  I don't think setuptools is being
> persecuted, I think *Nick's idea* is being misunderstood, and being
> construed as almost the exact *opposite* of what it is.
> All the stuff people bitch about that relates to multi-versions in
> setuptools are actually issues with setuptools' implementation of
> *default* versions, not *alternative* versions.  So to look at Nick's
> proposal and think it's going to have the same problems is completely
> ludicrous - it's 180 degrees opposite of what setuptools does, because
> for setuptools, *default versions* are the special case -- they're
> what cause 90% of the complexity in pkg_resources' manipulation of
> sys.path, and they're the main reason .pth files are ever used.
> So it's crazy-making to see people thinking Nick's proposal is going
> to bring all that crap along, when that's the exact *opposite* of the
> situation.
>> In my experience setuptools has a lot of good ideas but they are wrapped in 
>> bad
>> ideas or implementations that obscure the fact that there *are* good ideas 
>> there.
>> I do not believe it to be unreasonable for people to want to make sure that 
>> we're
>> standardizing around one of the *good* ideas instead of one of the bad ideas.
> It would help if people understood the actual facts, then.  AFAICT,
> Nick's proposal doesn't do any of the things that people are worried
> about, or at the very least does not *require* them.  As Jim and I
> have pointed out more than once, pkg_resources is not a runtime
> requirement to allow alternative versions to be importable by code
> that wants them.
> It would really be a shame to shoot down Nick's idea based on a vague
> misunderstanding of it.  It's a good proposal, and has far less to do
> with setuptools than most people in the thread seem to think.
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