The hacking of sys.path required in option (1) suggested earlier is avoidable. 
I do not want my project to be setup-tools managed. Virtualenv + pip is hence 
the obvious choice.
> From:
> Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 13:15:57 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Distutils] Distributable binary with dependencies
> To:
> CC:;
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 2:25 PM, bharath ravi kumar
> <> wrote:
> > Carl, Eby,
> >
> > Thanks for taking time to suggest various alternatives. Considering that the
> > deployment hosts are identical in every as[ect, the approach of moving
> > virtualenv's with packages pip-installed at build time appears the simplest,
> > low-overhead  approach that can be implemented without hacking the
> > environment or resorting to custom scripts. I'll go ahead with that  option.
> What hacking the environment or custom scripts?
> I'm confused, because AFAIK there are actually more steps to
> pip-install a virtualenv and copy it to different machines, than there
> are involved in using easy_install to create a portable installation.
> In both cases, you end up with a directory to archive and copy, so the
> only difference is in the commands used to build that directory, and
> the layout of the directory afterwards.
> Perhaps you misunderstood my post as meaning that you had to run
> easy_install on the target system?
> (I don't have any particular stake in what you do for your own system,
> but I'm curious, both for the future reference of folks reading this
> thread by way of Googling this question, and in case there is
> something for me to learn or that I'm mistaken about, in relation
> either to pip/virtualenv or your use case.  And certainly if you are
> more familiar with pip+virtualenv, that would actually be sufficient
> reason in this case to use it.  But I'd prefer future readers of this
> thread not to be under an erroneous impression that easy_install
> involves more steps, scripts, or environment changes in order to
> implement this use case.  Thanks.)
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