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On 12/01/2013 05:07 PM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
> On Sun, 1/12/13, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If the issue is simply around defining compatibility tags that
>> better describe the various environments around, then let's just
>> get on with that - we're going to have to do it in the end anyway,
>> why  temporarily promote an alternative solution just to change our
>> recommendation later?
> This makes sense to me. We should refine the compatibility tags as
> much as is required. It would be nice if there was some place (on
> PyPI, or elsewhere) where users could request binary distributions for
> specific packages for particular environments, and then some kind
> people with those environments might be able to build those wheels and
> upload them ... a bit like Christoph Gohlke does for Windows.

The issue is combinatorial explosion in the compatibility tag space.
There is basically zero chance that even Linux users (even RedHat users
across RHEL version) would benefit from pre-built binary wheels (as
opposed to packages from their distribution).  Wheels on POSIX allow
caching of the build process for deployment across a known set of hosts:
 they won't insulate you from the need to build in the first place.

Wheels *might* be in play in the for-pay market, where a vendor supports
a limited set platforms, but those solutions will use separate indexes

- -- 
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tsea...@palladion.com
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