On Dec 4, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gomm...@gmail.com> wrote

I'm just wondering how much we are making this hard for very little return.

I also don't know.

I wonder if a poll on the relevant lists would be helpful...

 I'll start playing with wheels in the near future.

Great! Thanks!

There are multiple ways to get a win64 install - Anaconda, EPD, WinPython,
Christoph's installers. So there's no big hurry here.

well, this discussion is about pip-installability, but yes, some of those
are python.org compatible: I know I always point people to Christoph's repo.

> [Side note: scipy really shouldn't be a monolithic package with everything
> and the kitchen sink in it -- this would all be a lot easier if it was a
> namespace package and people could get the non-Fortran stuff by
> itself...but I digress.]

Namespace packages have been tried with scikits - there's a reason why
scikit-learn and statsmodels spent a lot of effort dropping them. They
don't work. Scipy, while monolithic, works for users.

True--I've been trying out namespace packages for some far easier problems,
and you're right--not a robust solution.

That really should be fixed--but a whole new topic!

 Note on OS-X :  how long has it been since Apple shipped a 32 bit machine?
>>> Can we dump default 32 bit support? I'm pretty sure we don't need to do PPC
>>> anymore...
>> I'd like to, but we decided to ship the exact same set of binaries as
>> python.org - which means compiling on OS X 10.5/10.6 and including PPC +
>> 32-bit Intel.
> no it doesn't -- if we decide not to ship the 3.9, PPC + 32-bit Intel.
> binary -- why should that mean that we can't ship the Intel32+64 bit one?

But we do ship the 32+64-bit one (at least for Python 2.7 and 3.3). So
there shouldn't be any issue here.

Right--we just need the wheel. Which should be trivial for numpy on OS-X --
not the same sse issues.

Thanks for working on this.

- Chris
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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