On 14.05.2014 21:48, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:
> On May 14, 2014, at 12:44 PM, "M.-A. Lemburg" <m...@egenix.com> wrote:
>> PyPI is still mainly the Python registry for mapping package
>> names to URLs and descriptions.
> Sorry, going to have to stop you here. This, and all your conclusions based 
> on this assumption, are flat out incorrect. You are far far far in the 
> minority of people that think this is what PyPI is. It was this at one point, 
> but few old-timers are still around to remember those days and new users have 
> very different expectations driven by the cites linux package servers/systems 
> as well as tools like rubygems and cpan.

Noah, please reread the subject line and the message that started
this thread. If we want to have a useful discussion, calling someone's
conclusion incorrect is not helpful.

If you'd read my reply to the end, you'd have noticed that my main
point is that the users want easy installation of packages and don't
care where these are hosted.

This is why installers are attractive to users and this is also why
so many people enjoy using them.

However, such a requirement does not imply that all packages
have to be hosted in a single place, with all the implications
that arise from such a setup.

Coming back to PyPI: Its main purpose is having a central place to
register, search for and find packages. It doesn't matter where the
distribution files are hosted, as long as the installers can find them.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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