On 24 May 2014 03:21, <jennie.mcint...@cgsadmin.com> wrote:
> We are interested in using Python in our environment, but I am having
trouble finding the answers to a few questions. I was hoping you might be
able to assist.
> 1) Does the latest version of Python work in the Citrix environment (and
where are installation details about this?)

For Python, virtualisation/remote desktop environments are abstracted away
by the OS. So if Windows is running in Citrix, then you'll need a Windows
install of Python.

> 2) Are Python 2.7 products susceptible to Hearbleed such that we need to
use Python 3.4.1 even though we might prefer to use Anaconda because
statistical modules are already packaged (it uses Python 2.7)?

On Windows, Python 2.7 was never vulnerable to Heartbleed (it ships a
version of SSL that predates the vulnerability). Python 3.3 and 3.4 have
also both been updated to address the issue.

Note that Anaconda also supports Python 3, so this isn't an either/or

> 3) If we have to use the latest Python version, where are installation
details on adding modules when Python is in the Citrix environment?

If you were considering Anaconda for Python 2, you may also want to
consider it for Python 3.

Otherwise, the upstream packaging ecosystem documentation is at


> Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
> Jennie McIntyre
> SAS Administrator
> Data Mining and Analytics Team
> CGS Administrators, LLC
> Two Vantage Way, Nashville, TN 37228
> Office 615.660.5573
> Home 615.541.4271
> Cell 615.668.2863
> Email: jennie.mcint...@cgsadmin.com
> Confidential, unpublished property of CGS Administrators, LLC.
> Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely
> to authorized personnel. ©2014 CGS Administrators, LLC.
> _______________________________________________
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