> On Sep 19, 2014, at 5:55 PM, Richard Jones <rich...@python.org> wrote:
> On 20 September 2014 04:47, Daniel Greenfeld <pyda...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:pyda...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> In order to claim a package as being abandoned it should undergo a
> formal process that includes:
> * Placement on a PUBLIC list of packages under review for a grace
> period to be determined by this discussion
> This is not done at present. Can you suggest a public forum that would reach 
> a useful audience?
> * Formal attempts via email and social media (twitter, github, et al)
> to contact the maintainer.
> This is done at present, using the contact details registered with pypi. Or 
> other contact methods if that fails.
> I always default to asking the current maintainer of a package to transfer it 
> to a new maintainer.
> * Investigation of the claimant for the rights to the package. The
> parties attempting to claim a package may not be the best
> representatives of the community behind that package, or the Python
> community in general.
> I'm not sure how I could do this reasonably given the breadth of packages in 
> the index, and the size and number of Python communities. How could I 
> possibly determine this? In the open source world, how do you vet someone, 
> especially when the original maintainer is unresponsive?
> Why?
> * Non-reply does not equal consent.
> That's a reasonable statement, but if this were to be held then a large 
> number of stagnating package listings would have remained in that state.
> * Access to a commonly (or uncommonly) used package poses security and
> reliability issues.
> Why:
> Scenario 1:
> I could claim ownership of the redis package, providing a
> certain-to-fail email for the maintainers of PyPI to investigate?
> I attempt contact through other channels. I don't rely just on information 
> provided by the requestor.
> Scenario 2:
> I could claim ownership of the redis package, while Andy McCurdy
> (maintainer) was on vacation for two weeks, or sabbatical for six
> weeks. Again, I would gain access because under the current system
> non-reply equals consent.
> I tend to wait one month, but yes a six month sabbatical would be a problem. 
> On the other hand, I do make every attempt to contact
> Reference:
> In ticket #407 (https://sourceforge.net/p/pypi/support-requests/407/ 
> <https://sourceforge.net/p/pypi/support-requests/407/>)
> someone who does not appear to be vetted managed to gain control of
> the (arguably) abandoned but still extremely popular
> django-registration on PyPI. They run one of several HUNDRED forks of
> django-registration, one that is arguably not the most commonly used.
> My concern is that as django-registration is the leading package for
> handling system registration for Python's most popular web framework,
> handing it over without a full investigation of not just the current
> maintainer but also the candidate maintainer is risky.
> And my counter is that I get a lot of these requests, I do my best to try to 
> contact the original maintainer, and in the absence of any other information 
> I need to take the requestor at their word.  In the case of the request 
> above, I contacted the original maintainer directly, using an address I knew 
> to work, and received no response. To me that correlated well with the 
> indication that he wanted nothing to do with the package any longer. Someone 
> keen enough had come forward to provide updated versions of the package, 
> amongst what you claim are hundreds of such forks (recognising that github 
> forks are a very poor method to judge how engaged someone is with a project). 
> In light of that, I granted that person permission to provided updates for 
> that project.
> Thanks for your thoughts. The procedure I use should be written down, I 
> guess, but I'm the only person who follows it, so the motivation to do so is 
> very low.
>       Richard
> _______________________________________________
> Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/distutils-sig

Perhaps in Warehouse the procedure can be automated to some degree
and a public record of what actions were taken and when? I don’t mean like 
a public log of the actual email address or email content or anything of the
sort. Just like a "attempted to contact on X date", "notified X thing on Y",
"No response in X time, transfering ownership" kind of things.

Maybe we could create something like python-updates which would be a read only
mailing list which just posts a thread per request and updates it with the
actions taken and stuff. People who care could subscribe to it without having
to get all of distutils-sig or wahtever.

Maybe it could even offer package authors the ability to mark a package as
"Request For Adoption" saying that they have a package that they wrote, but
that they no longer wish to maintain.

I don't know, I'm just tossing out some potentional ideas!

Donald Stufft
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Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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