I wanted to try out local version identifiers for packages.  Or
actually, I already used them, but with a wrong notation, and ran into
trouble, also after fixing the notation.  So I did some testing and
made notes on what does or does not work.  See conclusions at the

Local version identifiers: general idea

PEP440 is here, specifically the local version identifiers:

Use case in short, for those who do not know what local version
identifiers are.  Upstream community package largetrout has version
1.0.  As integrator you notice a problem, fix it in the code, and
create a pull request.  While waiting for a new official release you
already want to use the new code in production.  If you release a
version 1.1 yourself, this will conflict with a later official
version.  This is where local version identifiers come in.  You create
largetrout version 1.0+local.1 that you put in a directory on a
webserver.  You add the url of the package as find-link for
pip/zc.buildout and can now use your local version.

That is the general idea.  How does it work in practice?  Two things
need to work: creating a distribution, and installing the distribution
with pip or buildout.

Creating a distribution

I have created a very basic python project called 'myproject'.  It
does nothing.  I have released a few versions here:

The various versions only differ in their version numbers and in the
way in which the distributions were created.  All were created with
Python 2.7.8. on Mac OSX 10.9.5, with ``python setup.py sdist --formats=zip``.

- setup.py version = 1.0
  * Created with: setuptools 2.2
  * Distribution file: myproject-1.0.zip
  * PKG-INFO version: 1.0
  * works everywhere

- setup.py version = 1.1+maurits.1
  * Created with: setuptools 2.2
  * Distribution file: myproject-1.1-maurits.1.zip
  * PKG-INFO version: 1.1-maurits.1
  * NOT installable with zc.buildout 2.3 and setuptools 8 (see below)

- setup.py version = 1.1+maurits.2
  * Created with: setuptools 7.0
  * Distribution file: myproject-1.1-maurits.2.zip
  * PKG-INFO version: 1.1-maurits.2
  * NOT installable with zc.buildout 2.3 and setuptools 8 (see below)

- setup.py version = 1.1+maurits.3
  * Created with: setuptools 8.0.4
  * Distribution file: myproject-1.1+maurits.3.zip
  * PKG-INFO version: 1.1+maurits.3
  * NOT installable with current pip (see below)
  * hard to install with development pip (BUG, see below)
  * NOT installable with zc.buildout 2.2 and setuptools<8

So: with any setuptools version you can specify a local version
identifier (``+something``) in the setup.py, but you need setuptools
8.0+ to correctly handle it.  In earlier versions, the plus sign is
replaced by a dash.  This may lead to problems while installing; we
will see that below.

Note: ``python2.7 setup.py --version`` always correctly returns the
version number as specified in setup.py.

Installing with pip

Now let's see how installing goes.  Again we are using Python 2.7.

Below, some warnings or errors are expected (possibly with a
workaround, marked with TIP), some may be surprising
(marked with DANGER), others may be bugs (marked with BUG).

I picked two combinations of pip and setuptools versions. Other combinations may give other results.

current pip, setuptools 7.0

A basic virtualenv:

$ pip list
pip (1.5.6)
setuptools (7.0)
wsgiref (0.1.2)
$ pip install -U -f http://pypi.zestsoftware.nl/public/packagingtest/ myproject==1.0
$ python -c "import myproject" && echo "importing works"
importing works

We try ``pip install`` for the available versions.

- myproject==1.0
  * importing works

- myproject=1.1-maurits.1
  * importing works

- myproject==1.1-maurits.2
  * importing works

- myproject==1.1-maurits.3
  * pip says:
    Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement
    myproject==1.1-maurits.3 (from versions: 1.0, 1.1, 1.1-maurits.1,

- myproject==1.1+maurits.3
  * pip says:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File ".../pip/_vendor/pkg_resources.py", line 2583, in scan_list
        "Expected ',' or end-of-list in",line,"at",line[p:]
ValueError: ("Expected ',' or end-of-list in", 'myproject==1.1+maurits.3', 'at', '+maurits.3') * DANGER: older pip versions cannot install packages with local version identifiers.

- pip install http://pypi.zestsoftware.nl/public/packagingtest/myproject-1.1+maurits.3.zip
  * importing works

development pip, setuptools 8.0

A basic virtualenv:

$ pip list
pip (6.0.dev1)
setuptools (8.0.4)
$ pip install -U --trusted-host pypi.zestsoftware.nl -f http://pypi.zestsoftware.nl/public/packagingtest/ myproject==1.0
$ python -c "import myproject" && echo "importing works"
importing works

We try ``pip install`` for the available versions.

- myproject==1.0
  * importing works

- myproject==1.1-maurits.1
  * pip warns:
Requested myproject==1.1-maurits.1, but installing version 1.1+maurits.1
  * importing works

- myproject==1.1-maurits.2
  * pip warns:
Requested myproject==1.1-maurits.2, but installing version 1.1+maurits.2
  * importing works

- myproject==1.1-maurits.3
  * pip says:
    Collecting myproject==1.1+maurits.3
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement myproject==1.1-maurits.3 (from versions: )
      No distributions matching the version for myproject==1.1-maurits.3

- myproject==1.1+maurits.3
  * pip says:
    Collecting myproject==1.1+maurits.3
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement myproject==1.1+maurits.3 (from versions: )
      No distributions matching the version for myproject==1.1+maurits.3
  * BUG: this should work, right?

- pip install http://pypi.zestsoftware.nl/public/packagingtest/myproject-1.1+maurits.3.zip
  * importing works

Installing with buildout

We try the same with buildout.  I use this basic buildout config:

find-links = http://pypi.zestsoftware.nl/public/packagingtest/
eggs-directory = eggs
download-cache = downloads
parts = mypy test
show-picked-versions = true

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = myproject
interpreter = mypy

recipe = plone.recipe.command
command = grep myproject bin/mypy && bin/mypy -c "import myproject" && echo "importing works"
update-command = ${:command}

myproject = 1.0
plone.recipe.command = 1.1
#setuptools = ...
#zc.buildout = ...
zc.recipe.egg = 2.0.1

This buildout creates a bin/mypy python interpreter with the myproject
package installed.  And it greps bin/mypy for 'myproject' so I can
easily see whether this has the version I expect.  And it checks to
see it importing the module works.

Using previous zc.buildout and setuptools

zc.buildout = 2.2.5
setuptools = 7.0

- myproject = 1.0
  * all is well

- myproject = 1.1-maurits.1
  * all is well

- myproject = 1.1-maurits.2
  * all is well

- myproject = 1.1-maurits.3
  * all is well

- myproject = 1.1+maurits.3
  * buildout fails:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".../setuptools-7.0-py2.7.egg/pkg_resources.py", line 2690, in scan_list
        raise ValueError(msg, line, "at", line[p:])
ValueError: ("Expected ',' or end-of-list in", 'myproject[]==1.1+maurits.3', 'at', '+maurits.3')
  * TIP: you can use a dash instead of a plus in the version pin.

Using latest zc.buildout and setuptools

zc.buildout = 2.3.1
setuptools = 8.0.2

- myproject = 1.0
  * all is well

- myproject = 1.1-maurits.1
  * buildout fails:
    Installing myproject 1.1-maurits.1
    Caused installation of a distribution:
    myproject 1.1+maurits.1
    with a different version.
    Got None.
      Updating mypy.
    Error: There is a version conflict.
    We already have: myproject 1.1+maurits.1
    We require myproject==1.1-maurits.1

  * when I do not specify a version in the buildout config, but the
    latest on server is 1.1-maurits.1, buildout succeeds and importing
    works.  buildout reports this (note the plus-sign):

    Versions had to be automatically picked.
    The following part definition lists the versions picked:
    myproject = 1.1+maurits.1

  * BUG?  pip only warns, buildout may want to do the same.  Maybe
    somehow normalize versions before comparison.

- myproject = 1.1-maurits.2
  * buildout fails:
    Installing myproject 1.1-maurits.2
    Caused installation of a distribution:
    myproject 1.1+maurits.2
    with a different version.

  * So: same remarks as for 1.1-maurits.1 apply.

- myproject = 1.1-maurits.3
  * buildout fails:
    Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'myproject==1.1-maurits.3'.

- myproject = 1.1+maurits.3
  * importing works


- BUG in pip: development version of pip cannot find local version
  identifiers (version numbers with a plus sign).

- TIP: do NOT use setuptools 7.0 or older to create a distribution
  with a local version identifier.  Installation of this may fail,
  because the version according to the filename differs from the
  actual version.

- BUG in buildout?  Where pip only warns about non-matching versions
  from the above tip, buildout actually quits with an error.  Maybe
  somehow normalize versions before comparison.

- TIP: only use local version identifiers when you use setuptools 8 or
  higher both when creating and when using the distribution.  Then
  installing with zc.buildout will work.  Installing with pip can be
  done by pointing to the exact file url.

Maurits van Rees: http://maurits.vanrees.org/
Zest Software: http://zestsoftware.nl

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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