yes, I see a similar bug on android.
If I try to scroll up a *little*, it goes all the back to the top.

On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 7:39 AM, Chris Jerdonek <>

> Sorry if this isn't the best list on which to bring this up, but it came
> up for me during the recent PEP 440 discussions.
> For a while I've noticed a serious problem when viewing PEP doc pages like
> the following on my iPhone:
> It's a bit maddening, so I wanted to see if anyone else on this list has
> experienced it or can reproduce it.
> It happens for me with both Chrome and Safari on the latest iOS 8.1.2,
> though I believe it happened for me on older iOS versions, too.
> After the page is fully loaded, if I scroll down, say, halfway through the
> page, the browser will jump back to the very top.  This effectively makes
> it impossible to read the page.  I haven't noticed this issue with any page
> not hosted on
> Can anyone else reproduce?
> Thanks,
> --Chris
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