On 01/19/2015 01:23 AM, Ben Finney wrote:
> My understanding, based on an answer received elsewhere [0], is that
> omitting the file from ‘setup.py’ but adding it to ‘MANIFEST.in’ causes
> it to be included in the sdist but omitted from install targets.
> [0] 
> <URL:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27930124/python-module-use-during-setup-but-not-to-be-installed/27931088#27931088>
> That has worked for me. But it appears to cause problems for some
> others, related to this module which should not be installed.

That's the right answer.

> Unfortunately this kind of problem (trouble post-install from a PyPI
> package) is difficult to test. How can I test the behaviour of ‘pip’ in
> this regard, without thrashing many releases of a package upload to
> PyPI?

Pip can install from the filesystem just as well as from PyPI. Run
"python setup.py sdist" to generate your sdist file, and then run "pip
install path/to/generated/sdist.tar.gz".


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