> On Mar 16, 2015, at 2:53 PM, Daniel Holth <dho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No one should be asked to learn how to extend distutils, and in
> practice no one knows how.

Some people know how, pytest figured it out, pbr figured it out. There’s
some documentation at 

It is true though that it’s not particularly great documentation and
actually doing it is somewhat of an annoyance.

> People have been begging for years for working setup_requires, far
> longer than I've been interested in it, and all they want to do is
> import fetch_version
> setup(version=fetch_version(), ...)
> Then they will eventually notice setup_requires has never worked the
> way most people expect. As a result there are too few setup.py
> abstractions.
> The other proposal is a little bit interesting. Parse setup.py without
> running it, extract setup_requires, and pip install locally before
> running the file? It would be easy as long as the setup_requires were
> defined as a literal list in the setup() call, but you would have to
> tell people they were not allowed to write normal clever Python code.
> I think the gotchas would be severe…

I wasn’t going to try and parse the setup.py, I was going to execute it.

Here’s a proof of concept I started on awhile back to try and validate
the overall idea: 

Since then I’ve thought about it more and decided it’d probably be better
to instead of trying to shuffle arguments into the subprocess, have the
subprocess write out into a file or stdout or something what all of the
setup_requires are. This would require executing the setup.py 3x instead
of 2x like pip is currently doing.

This would also enable people do something like:

    import fetch_version
except ImportError:
    def fetch_version():
        return “UNKNOWN”

setup(version=fetch_version(), …)

If they are happy with mandating that their thing can only be installed from
sdist with pip newer than X, because given a three pass installation (once
to discover setup_requires, once to write egg_info, once to actually install)
as long as the setup_requires list doesn’t rely on anything installed then
the first pass can have no real information except the setup_requires.

It actually wouldn’t even really be completely broken, it’d just have a nonsense
version number (or whatever piece of metadata can’t be located).

> Release a setuptools command class that actually works with regular
> setup_requires, and parses setup_requires out of a side file? But
> fails fetch_version case...
> The main reason the installer should handle setup_requires instead of
> setup.py is related to one of the major goals of packaging, which is
> to get setup.py out of the business of installing (it is OK if it is a
> build script).
> Would you be interested in a JSON-format metadata that you were
> willing to support long term, with a quick version 0.1 release that
> only adds the setup_requires feature?

Donald Stufft
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