On 17 Mar 2015 23:01, "Daniel Holth" <dho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So for me, metadata, while fine to have, is not the blocker for
> "generating wheels with some other build system". Having the other
> build system is the blocker.

For me, it's not knowing what "done" looks like, even if a candidate
alternative build system was available. I know pip doesn't need the whole
setuptools feature set to generate wheels, but I don't know what subset it
actually uses, nor what changes when cross compiling C extensions in Linux.

As far as I'm aware, *nobody* actually knows the answer to that right now,
so figuring it out will likely involve some code archaeology.

> Still Bento is a pretty great candidate.
> WAF is also promising.

Agreed. This is where I think making pip d2to1 aware could be worthwhile -
if we can find a of making the emulation target for an alternate build
system be d2to1 rather than the whole of setuptools it may descope the
interoperability problem enough to make it easier to get started on
something practical.


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