On 15 May 2015 at 20:56, Chris Barker <chris.bar...@noaa.gov> wrote:
> But in short -- I'm pretty sure there is a way, on all systems, to have a
> standard way to build extension modules, combined with a standard way to
> install shared libs, so that a lib can be shared among multiple packages. So
> the question remains:
> Is there any point? or is the current approach of statically linking all
> third party libs the way to go?

If someone can make it work, that would be good. But (a) nobody is
actually offering to develop and maintain such a solution, and (b)
it's not particularly clear how *much* of a benefit there would be
(space savings aren't that important, ease of upgrade is fine as long
as everything can be upgraded at once, etc...)

> If so, then is there any chance of getting folks to conform to this standard
> for PyPi hosted binary packages anyway? i.e. the curation problem.

If it exists, and if there's a benefit, people will use it.

> Personally, I'm on the fence here -- I really want newbies to be able to
> simply "pip install" as many packages as possible and get a good result when
> they do it.

Static linking gives that on Windows FWIW. (And maybe also on OSX?)
This is a key point, though - the goal shouldn't be "use dynamic
linking" but rather "make the user experience as easy as possible". It
may even be that the best approach (dynamic or static) differs
depending on platform.

> On the other hand, I've found that conda better supports this right now, so
> it's easier for me to simply use that for my tools.

And that's an entirely reasonable position. The only "problem" (if
indeed it is a problem) is that by having two different solutions
(pip/wheel and conda) splits the developer resource, which means that
neither approach moves forward as fast as a combined approach does.
But that's OK if the two solutions are addressing different needs
(which seems to be the case for the moment).

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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