> I am no expert, but I don't understand why backtracking algorithms would
> to be faster than SAT, since they both potentially need to walk over the
> full set of possible solutions. It is hard to reason about the cost because
> the worst case is in theory growing exponentially in both cases.

This is talked about a bit in this thread:

Each algorithm could be computationally more efficient.  Basically, *if
there are no conflicts* backtracking will certainly win.  If there are a
huge number of conflicts a SAT solver will certainly win.  It's not clear
where the tipping point is between the two schemes.

However, a better question is does the computational difference matter?  If
one is a microsecond faster than the other, I don't think anyone cares.
However, from the OPIUM paper (listed off of that thread), it is clear that
SAT solver resolution can be slow without optimizations to make them work
more like backtracking resolvers.  From my experience backtracking
resolvers are also slow when the conflict rate is high.

This only considers computation cost though.  Other factors can become more
expensive than computation.  For example, SAT solvers need all the rules to
consider.  So a SAT solution needs to effectively download the full
dependency graph before starting.  A backtracking dependency resolver can
just download packages or dependency information as it considers them.  The
bandwidth cost for SAT solvers should be higher.

P.S.  If you'd like to talk off list, possibly over Skype, I'd be happy to
talk more with you and/or Robert about minutiae that others may not care
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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