Donald Stufft schreef op 17-08-15 om 16:15:
pip already accepts things installs by not pip as long as they have standard 
Python metadata installed too, which most Linux distributions do. Virtual 
environments of course isolate you from the system so it isolates you from that 
too, but that can be disabled by using —system-site-packages.
If I understand correctly, --system-site-packages results in the full amount of site-wide installed packages to be available. So pip will look at them all.

What I am aiming at (and which syseggrecipe does for buildout) is to *selectively* and *explicitly* allow some site-wide packages to be available in the virtualenv. "Give me the global numpy and lxml, please!".


Reinout van Rees                         
"Learning history by destroying artifacts is a time-honored atrocity"

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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