On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 9:30 AM, Alexander Walters <tritium-l...@sdamon.com>

> We absolutely do not.  Names are first come, first serve, in perpetuity.

I'm suggesting that the "in perpetuity" bit is NOT a good way to go --
packages are abandoned, and the longer this goes on, the more issues will

> Changing this changes the security model of pypi.  If all an attacker has
> to do is wait out an old, but still highly downloaded package... why
> wouldn't they do it?

I'd suggest that a highly downloaded package isn't abandoned. granted, it
may be hard to tell, but I image any package that is frequently, or even
occasionally, downloaded would have *someone* willing to act as maintainer
-- which, at a minimum, is simply replying to an email once a year or so
saying "yes,  this is still an active package"

All that being said -- yes, we wouldn't want to provide an avenue for
someone to post malware to the exact same download-ability as a previously
valid package.

But there has GOT to be a solution to that -- maybe a vetting porcess for
re-using names? This really isn't going to come up all that often.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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