On Wed, 11 May 2016 18:32:30 +0000
Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:
> >
> > The only open issue in the PEP at the moment is the bikeshedding topic of
> > what to name the sub-section containing the requirements: `[package.build]`
> > or `[package.build-system]` (we couldn't reach consensus among the three of
> > us on this). Otherwise the three of us are rather happy with the way the
> > PEP has turned out and look forward to this being the first step towards
> > allowing projects to customize their build process better!
> >
> So far the votes for this open issue are:
> build-system:
>    1. Nathaniel
>    2. Ian
>    3. Ethan
>    4. Nick
>    5. Paul
> build:
>    1. Donald
>    2. Daniel
> build-configuration (write-in candidate):
>    1. Antoine

Ha :) I like "build" actually.



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