
what you have is not all that inelegant -- it is the way to do it :-)

But there are a few options when you are wrapping a C/C++ lib for python:

Do you need to access that lib from other extensions or only from the one
extension? IF others, then you pretty much need to build a shared lib and
make sure that all your extension link to it. But if you only need to get
to it from one extension than there are three options:

1) don't compile a lib -- rather, build all your C/C++ code to the
extension itself. you can simply add the files to the "source" list -- for
a straightforward lib, this is the easiest way to go.

2) statically link -- build the lib as a static lib, and then link it in to
your extension. then there is no extra .so to keep track of and ship. at
least on *nix you can bypass teh linker by passing teh static lib in as
"extra_objects" -- I think. Something like that.

3) what you did -- build the .so and ship it with the extension.



On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 7:35 PM, Young Yang <> wrote:

> Hi,
> My current solution is like this
> I get the source code of project A.   And use  `cmdclass={"install":
> my_install},`  in my setup function in
> my_install is a subclass of `from setuptools.command.install import
> install`
> ```
> class my_install(install):
>     def run(self):
>         # DO something I want. Such as compiling the code of project A and
> copy the output of it (i.e. the .so file) to my binding folder
> ```
> At last I  add these options in my setup function in to include
> the shared library  in the install package.
> ```
>       package_dir={'my_binding_package': 'my_binding_folder'},
>       package_data={
>           'my_binding_package': [''],
>       },
>       include_package_data=True,
> ```
> But I think there should be better ways to achieve these.
> Could anyone  give me any elegant examples to achieve the same goal?
> Thanks in advance
> On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Young Yang <> wrote:
>> hi,
>> I'm writing python-binding for project A.
>> My python-binding depends on the compile output of project A(It is a .so
>> file), and the project A is not installed in the system(so we can't find
>> the .so files in the system libraries pathes)
>> What's the elegant way to package my python-binding, so that I can
>> install everything by run `python` ?
>> Any suggestions and comments will be appreciated :)
>> --
>> Best wishes,
>> Young
> --
> Best wishes,
> Young Yang
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> Distutils-SIG maillist  -


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