
I'm writing a python-binding project for project A written in C++.
Project A is on github. It supports compiling itself to produce .so in
linux or .dll in windows.
My python-binding project contains depends on the .dll and .so file.

Now I want to register my package on pypi. So that users can install my
package with only running `pip install XXXX`.

I have to support both windows and linux.  The only solution I can figure
out is to include both .dll and .so in my package.   This will end up with
both .so and .dll installed in any platforms. It sounds dirty.

Is there any better ways to achieve my goal?

PS: The compile process of Project A is a little complicated, so I can't
use python Extension to build my dynamic library.

This question comes after this question

Thanks in advance :)

Best wishes,
Young Yang
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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